The RPM Difference: Property Management Streamlined
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The RPM Difference: Property Management Streamlined

Building a successful property management franchise is all about making the right moves at the right times: connecting with the right investors, managing the right properties, and securing the right tenants. That’s a whole lot of ‘right’ that needs to happen, and it may be daunting to know how best to pursue these different avenues. Thankfully, Real Property Management has proven systems and scoring metrics to aid franchise owners in making the best decisions for their business and chart a direct course towards their goals.

Looking at investors, it’s important to take so many factors into consideration: frequency and ease of communication, willingness to be educated on property management, how much–if at all–they quibble on your pricing, and clarity of their buying signals for services. All these factor into the scoring metric RPM shares with their franchisees, empowering owners to feel confident they’re connecting with right investors while weeding out those who don’t fit the ideal client profile.

When exploring potential properties for management consideration, location, amenities, upgrades, and upkeep all play key roles in how they’re scored. As property managers, we’re not only people managers but asset managers as well. It’s so important to attract the right kind of properties into our portfolio to ensure the best return for our owner/investors, as well as provide highly-attractive properties for our tenants to enjoy.

Speaking of tenants, they play a vital role in the process and are also graded to ensure best fit with the property assets we manage. Credit scores, rental history, payment consistency, frequency and ease of communication (similar to investors), and maintenance requests (outside the necessary, of course) all factor into how RPM’s internal metrics allow franchise owners to best match tenants to their portfolio of properties.

Property management is an incredibly exciting and vitally important service to provide, but the challenge of making the ‘right’ decisions when it comes to investors, properties, and tenants can give moments of pause. It doesn’t have to feel that way, though. With Real Property Management, those challenges are turned into opportunities with the systems, tools, and training we provide, setting our franchise owners up for success from the start!

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